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HBOM Quartelry Updates Spring/Summer 2024 - photo of HBOM and MOQC team for Comfort cuisine project

HBOM and MOQC launch Comfort Cuisine

It's no secret that HBOM loves the Michigan Oncology Quality Consortium (see our teams pictured together above). We admire and celebrate the work MOQC does to further the success of interdisciplinary teams working to improve the quality and value of cancer care across the state. Together, we're proud to announce the launch of Comfort Cuisine, our joint program to address malnutrition, increase access to food, and alleviate some stress on patients and caregivers around mealtime for those undergoing cancer treatment and are food insecure.

Five health systems from across MOQC's oncology network will begin enrolling eligible patients in the four-week program. Participants will select from a menu of medically tailored meals and receive weekly home deliveries provided by our partners at Mom's Meals.

HBOM developed program educational materials in collaboration with MOQC registered dietitians, social workers, nurses, and administrators from participating MOQC practices along with patients and caregivers from the Patient and Caregiver Oncology Quality Council (POQC). These materials include a cancer treatment-specific grocery shopping list, a guide to high-calorie, high-protein meals, a guide to finding nutritious foods at dollar and discount stores, and tips for navigating the challenges of appetite and eating during treatment.

For more information about Comfort Cuisine, go to comfortcuisine.moqc.org
comfort cuisine program logo with three sample patient educational materials
Four cardiac care cards upright on a table with the new beat logo

The Beat Goes On

Extending encouragement and support for rehabilitation after a major cardiac event
NewBeat, our joint program with BMC2 and MVC, is in full swing. In March, members of the three CQIs packed and shipped over 11,500 cardiac rehab referral resources to 19 health system contacts in the BMC2 and MVC networks. Participating sites are now equipped with unified tools—developed in three languages and customized to each site—to bolster their ongoing efforts to increase the rate of cardiac rehab referrals after eligible procedures. Included in many orders were the NewBeat Cardiac Care cards, filled with personal messages from cardiac rehab graduates in Michigan and resounding recommendations from cardiologists.

We will share initial findings from our usability assessment, evaluation, and implementation analysis at the summer meeting of the Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network. 

Are you using NewBeat materials at your site? If so, we would greatly appreciate your input via this quick survey.

Food is Medicine

A day of advocacy and visibility for the Healthy Eating Jumpstart Program
Larry Davis, a participant in HBOM and MCT2D's Healthy Eating Jumpstart program, joined a group of food policy researchers, physicians, and non-profit and industry leaders for the first-ever Food is Medicine Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill, organized by Tufts University.

Mr. Davis has served on the MCT2D Patient Advisory Board since 2023, where he shares his expertise as an individual with type 2 diabetes and his experience participating in the Jumpstart grocery delivery program.
This pilot program connected eligible patients across MCT2D primary care practices with lower carbohydrate groceries delivered to their homes through our partners at Shipt.

In meetings with Michigan Representative Debbie Dingell's congressional office, Mr. Davis represented HBOM, MCT2D, and the Jumpstart program. The group of participants conducted a combined total of nearly 75 visits to Congressional offices.

His work with diabetes and food access advocacy is only beginning. Mr. Davis will present at the upcoming MCT2D Collaborative Wide Meeting in June. We are so proud to see the ripple effect of the Jumpstart program and Mr. Davis' leadership within the CQIs and at a national level.

HBOM-Led Design Trainings


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July 19, 2024

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