As a trusted partner in tobacco cessation, team up with HBOM, the American Cancer Society, and hundreds of organizations across the country for the Great American Smokeout on Thursday, November 17. We invite you to:
1. Download our oncology, surgery, and specialty-specific graphics to post for #GreatAmericanSmokeout social media.
2. Download or order additional tobacco cessation provider materials.
3. Share this page to others to join Thursday’s Great American Smokeout.

What is the Great American Smokeout
For more than 40 years, the American Cancer Society has hosted the Great American Smokeout on the third Thursday of November. The Great American Smokeout is an opportunity for people who smoke to commit to healthy, smoke-free lives, not just for a day, but year round. The Great American Smokeout provides an opportunity for organizations like ours to engage with patients, as a calendar catalyst to make a quit plan or to plan in advance and initiate a smoking cessation plan on November 17th.
Browse downloadable Great American Smokeout Day resources from the American Cancer Society, quit resources from the CDC, and Michigan Tobacco Quitlink resources for providers.
Download specialty-specific social media graphics
Download and Order Tobacco Cessation Provider Resources
Your next tobacco teachable moment can start with our Quit Smoking Resource Guide. Jumpstart your patient’s decision to quit with one of our member co-created posters. And share our pocket cards for the MDHHS’ Michigan Tobacco Quitline and Medication Options Quick Guide.